Civic Mid Exam – Debre Berhan University

Part I: Write ‘True’ for correct statements or ‘False’ for incorrect statements

1. According to Aristotle’s theory of virtue ethics, it is not ethically good to have an extreme amount of a certain character since it could cause a vice to occur

2. Ethical subjectivists hold that ethical judgments are definitely universal in their application and validation

3. For virtue ethics theorists, ‘good characteristics’ justify the purpose and the essence of being human

4. According to The Divine Command Theory, act A is wrong if and only if it is contrary to the command of God

5. Opposed to Mill, Bentham argues that human beings can use any kind of means, no matter its nature, as long as it results in producing more pleasure than pain

6. For the proponents of utilitarianism, an action is said to be morally defendable if the agent of this action sacrifices himself or herself for the advantage of others

7. We can argue that civic and ethical education is a self-sufficient discipline and thus it does not need to take theories from other sources

Part II. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives

1. Which one of the following statements is Correct about ethical objectivism?

A. It views that there are universally accepted moral principles which are static in nature
B. It states that moral principles are relative either to the individual or the society
C. It considers moral values as human inventions
D. All the above

2. What is teleological ethical theory?

A. It is part of normative ethics following a principle that “the means justifies the end”
B. It is part of meta-ethics following a principle that “the end justifies the means”
C. It is normative ethical theory which believes the consequence of an action determines the moral status of an action
D. A and C

3. One among the following is not part of deontological or non-consequentialist ethics

A. Utilitarianism
B. Kant’s Categorical imperative
C. Divine command theory
D. Ross’s Prima Facie Duties
E. Moral rights theory

4. Helen working in certain company as an executive secretary found her boss between life and death due to his serious illness. He should urgently be taken to hospital to save his life. The only responsible person to do this is Helen. However, Helen has already promised to her son to celebrate his birthday together on the same day of the incident. According to this Case story, which two prima facie duties of David Ross are in a state of conflict that tests Helen for her final decision?

A. Duties of reparation and gratitude
B. Duties of justice and self-improvement
C. Duties of fidelity and beneficence
D. Duties of beneficence and Non-maleficence
E. Duties of gratitude and justice

5. One of the following is not theoretical source of Civics and Ethics?

A. Philosophy
B. Sociology
C. Constitutions
D. None

6. If someone uses lying as a strategy for reconciliation of two individuals in conflict and the two reach a mutual agreement at the end, his/her action is morally justifiable and accepted under ____

A. Deontological ethics
B. Kant’s categorical imperative
C. Consequentialist ethics
D. All of the above

7. One of the following is not among the major purposes of leaning civics and ethics

A. to make citizen aware about the fundamental rights and duties
B. to initiate citizens to participate actively in their country’s affairs
C. to develop the culture of passivity and apathy
D. to make citizen think rationally and critically

8. A certain action which is morally acceptable by one society and unaccepted by some other society indicates ____

A. Ethical universalism
B. Moral objectivism
C. Ethical relativism
D. Ethical objectivism

9. One among the following is not a consequentialism theorist

A. Jeremy Bentham
B. William David Ross
C. John Stuart Mill
D. All of the above

10. Controversial issues like abortion, animal rights and the like are concerns of ____   

A. Meta-ethics
B. Virtue ethics  
C. Applied ethics
D. Non-normative ethics

11. The division of ethics that studies the origin and meaning of ethical concepts/terms is

A. Normative ethics
B. Virtue ethics
C. Applied ethics
D. Meta ethics

12. The teleological sort of ethics which holds that the criterion of right action is the promotion of personal pleasure and focuses on the best consequences for self is called?

A. Utilitarianism
B. Egoism
C. Altruism
D. Duty ethics

Part III. Short Answers

1. Define what ethics is

2. List the three ethical duties which Samuel Pufendorf proposes

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