Psychology Mid Exam – Dilla University

Part I. Read each of the following statements carefully and Write “True” if the statement Is correct and “False” if it is incorrect

1. We humans are peculiar from one to another because of our personality.

2. Information stored in sensory register is more permanent than in short-term memory

3. Sensation is mechanical process while perception is psychological

4. Moving objects are easily perceived more than stagnant objects

5. Wage could be best example of fixed interval reinforcement.

Part II: Math the schools of thought in psychology listed under column ‘B’ with their major emphasis on human mind/behavior under column ‘A’

Column A

6. The role of genetic and heredity

7. The role of environmental factors /stimuli

8. The role of mental processes

9. The rule of the unconscious and early childhood experience

10. The importance of the individual’s own subjective experience

11. The role of norms, values, principles, or mores

12. The role of analyzing the basic elements conscious experience

Column B

A. Psychoanalytic

B. Cognitive

C. Functionalism

D. Structuralism

E. Socio cultural

F. Biological

G. Humanistic

H. Gestalt

I. Behavioral

J. Evolutionary

Part III. Choose the correct answer from the alternative given to each of the following questions

13. Offering life skill training for freshman students to induce the academic skill at university indicates which goal of psychology?

A. Prediction
B. Description
C. Control
E. Explanation

14. As introspection is for Structuralism, ____ is for psychoanalysis

A. Mental test
B. Questionnaires
C. Observation
D. Dream Analysis

15. What is the disadvantage of case study?

A. Feasibility
B. Gcneralizability
C. Sampling
D. Observer’s bias

16. Which one of the following describes ‘absolute threshold’ ?

A. Mikiyas tolerated the warm air condition of the desert
B. Robert detected a change in the volume of the music
C. Feven resisted the unpleasant smell of the room after a while
D. Ayele detected the presence of lemen in the juice

17. Judging the distance of the object based on the muscle contraction of two eyes considered as:

A. Convergence
B. Accommodation
C. Depth perception
D. Retina disparity

18. Changes resulted from fatigue and maturation cannot be considered as learning. This shows that:

A. Learning is a process
B. Changes in learning should be relatively permanent
C. Learning depends on practice
D. Learning is marked by behavioral or cognitive changes.

19. Which one is of the following is powerful in modifying behavior?

A. Fixed variable
B. Variable Interval
C. Variable ratio
D. Fixed ratio

20. According to associational learning, what peoples do is largely because of ____

A. Punishment
B. Conditioning
C. Reinforcement  
D. Law of effect

21. The similarity between classical conditioning and operant conditioning is that:

A. Both depend on association of stimulus and response
B. Roth focus on reinforcement and punishment
C. Both depend on involuntary behavior (reflex action)
D. Both of them are based on voluntary behavior

22. Any consequence of behavior that discourages responses or behavior by providing unpleasant stimulus is:

A. Negative Punishment
B. Negative Reinforcement
C. Positive punishment
D. Positive reinforcement

23. Which of the following is not an example of negative reinforcement?

A. Studying hard to get good result
B. Taking aspirin to relief headache
C. Studying for an exam to avoid getting a poor grade
D. Cleaning the house to get rid of your mother’s nagging.

24. The cognitive process that transfers information from short memory to long-term memory is:

A. Rehearsal
B. Encoding
C. Retrieval
D. Attention

25. Fantahun attempted to forget his pain full childhood experience. This example is explained by ____

A. Interference theory of forgetting
B. Motivated theory of forgetting  
C. Replacement theory of forgetting
D. Decay theory of forgetting

26. Tedla went on a boat trip with friends on lake Hawassa and he gets nauseated and vomited on the trip. The next day Tedla get nauseated when he sees a boat on the shore. The boat might have became a(n) _____ for Tedla

A. Conditioned stimulus
B. Conditional response
C. Unconditioned stimulus
D. Unconditioned response

27. Tewodros has recently changed his phone number. Now he often finds himself writing his old number when he fills out forms. This is best explained by:

A. Cue-dependent forgetting
B. Retroactive interfacing
C. Proactive interference
D. Decay

28. Melat is at party with her friend, where she is introduced to many of her friend’s family members. Each time she is introduced to someone new, she repeats the name as frequently as she can. These new names most likely reside in wh9ich part of Melat’s memory ?

A. Iconic
B. Long-term
C. Short-term
D. Sensory

29. Placing information into memory is called _____ while getting information out of memory is called ____

A. Storage, Encoding
B. Storage, retrieval
C. Encoding, Retrieval
D. Encoding, Decoding

30. The first step in learning through observation is”:

A. Monetization
B. Attention
C. Production
D. Retention

Part IV. Read the Following Cases and Answer the Corresponding Questions

1. In classical conditioning experiment, a researcher conditioned little boy to develop fear towards white rat. Initially, the little boy was exposed to a terrible noise and he cried for the noise. Later, he was exposed to the noise after immediate exposure to rat following repeated presence of two stimuli, the child tend to fear and cried for the rat.

Based on the case, Identify:

A) Neutral Stimulus

B) unconditioned Stimulus

C) Unconditioned Response

D) Conditioned Stimulus

F) Conditioned Response

2. A psychology researcher interested to investigate the effect of coffee consumption on students attention span. He took 40 freshman students similar demographic characteristics and randomly divided in to two groups (G1 and G2). Students in G11 (group 1) were offered with 4 coup of coffer per day whereas students in G2 (group 2) did not received coffee. Later, researcher measured attention span with objective tests in order to see the effect caused by coffee. Based on this research write:

A) Type of research design

B) The dependent variable

C) The independent variable

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