Global Trends Final Exam – Haramaya University

Part I: Write ‘TRUE’ if the statement is correct and write ‘FALSE’ if the statement is incorrect

1. Defining International political economy is simple or straightforward as one might expect and universally agreed on how it should be defined

2. German political economy system is thus closer to the Japanese than to the American system of collective capitalism

3. The end of the cold war has led to a decrease in concern about the dangers of nuclear war between the super powers

4. Huntington & the clash-of-civilizations theory orderly stated that civilizations will be the dividing lines in feature of 21st  global order and conflict exist & will continue instead of cooperation among civilizations

Part II: Chooses the correct answer from the given alternatives

5. Which one is odd?

A. European Union
B. global warming
C. Terrorism
D. United Nations

6. Which one is the Youngest theoretical perspective of International Political Economy

A. Classical Liberalism
B. Mercantilism
C. Liberalism
D. Marxism

7. If countries focused on what they do best and freely trade their goods with each other, all of them would benefit. This concept is known as

A. competitive advantage
B. protectionism
C. comparative advantage
D. Economic globalization

8. Which one is false about the definition of international political Economy

A. IPE is the study of the tension between the market and the state
B. IPE’s definition is getting ever widened and deepened in content
C. field of inquiry that studies the relationships between governments, businesses, and social forces
D. The field thus consists the political and economic dimension
E. The name of the field is changing from Global Political Economy to IPE

9. Which one is incorrect Why the competition to acquire nuclear weapons have increased in the post-cold war period among states

A. Nuclear weapons states arsenals consider that nuclear weapons play some positive role in providing security
B. The non-nuclear states have got the guarantee of extended deterrence from super powers
C. The combination of the loss of extended deterrence with regional dynamic
D. the experiences of Iraq and North Korea shows nuclear proliferate fast and establish deterrence

10. Which one of the following is not the core feature of developmental state approach

A. Existence of bureaucratic apparatus to efficiently and effectively implement the planned process of development
B. Existence of active participation and response of the private sector to state intervention
C. The existence of Strong interventionism that imply heavy use of public ownership enterprise or resources
D. Regime legitimacy built on development

11. International political Economy is the study of the tension between the market and the state. This idea implies

A. Clear-cut distinction exists between economic (market-based activities) and political/state-centered ones
B. the state undertake collective action & market Composed individuals engage in self-interested activities
C. States and markets relate to one another in fundamentally adversarial ways relationship between the states and markets often antagonistic
D. All of the above

12. Which one is wrong statement?

A. There is opposite or inverse relationship between politics and economy at global level
B. International relations is greater than Global
C. States are economically interdependent/interlinked and politically independent or autonomous
D. States maximize autonomy and minimize interdependence and vise versa

13. Which statement Is incorrect?

A. Individuals engage in self-interested activities, and the state undertakes collective action
B. There is Clear-cut distinction exists b/n economic (market-based activities) and political / state-centered ones
C. States and markets have often friendly relationship
D. States and markets relate to one another in fundamentally adversarial ways

14. Except one all are the idea of Nationalism Theoretical Perspective

A. It Defends a strong and pervasive role of the state in the economy
B. Adam Smith’s (1723-1790) is the intellectual father of Nationalism
C. In international trade, it emphasizes the importance of balance-of-payment
D. It often promotes an extreme policy of autarky to promote national economic self-sufficiency

15. Which one is the idea of Marxism

A. It defended, a much more sophisticated and interventionist role of the state in the economy
B. Global & national income inequality & Exploitation of labor is increasing
C. States should also play a disciplinary role in the economy to ensure adequate levels of competition
D. Japanese, South Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese are example of Marxism

16. Which statement is not the idea of Hegemonic Stability Theory?

A. It influenced the establishment of the Bretton Woods institutions (IMF and WB)
B. It is a hybrid theory containing elements of mercantilism, liberalism, and even Marxism
C. It advocates for the strong role of the state in the process of structural transformation
D. the root cause of the world in the Great Depression of the 1920s and 1930s was the absence of a benevolent hegemon

17. Of the following one does not explain the Structuralism

A. The perspective is also known as the ‘Prebisch-Singer thesis’
B. It advocates for a new pattern of development based on industrialization via import substitution based on protectionist policies  
C. The relationship between the Global North and the Global South resulted in an “unequal trade and investment exchange”
D. refers to a stale that intervenes and guides the direction and speed of economic development

18. A process whereby information, commodities and images that have been produced in one part of the world enter into a global flow that tends to ‘flatten out’ cultural differences between nations, regions and individuals is known as

A. Homogenization
B. Cultural imperialism
C. globalization
D. clash-of-civilizations

19. An international organization which sets the rules for global trade is known as

A. International Monetary Fund
B. World Bank
C. World Trade Organization
D. Global or Regional Free trade agreements

20. Which one is not the factors that account for Increasing of migration

A. The existence of Peace and stability motivating people to search abroad for a better life
B. The emerging of new states in the international system since the end of the WWI
C. The rapid growth in the world’s population
D. The revolution in communications and transportation

21. Which one is incorrect about the American National economic system

A. The primary purpose of economic activity is to benefit consumers while maximizing wealth creation & distribution of that wealth is secondary
B. American economists support the strong role of government in the economy to protect the consumer
C. It related to neoclassical model of a competitive market economy in which individuals are assumed to maximize their own private interests
D. Almost any economic activity is permitted unless explicitly forbidden

22. The process through which alien goods and practices are absorbed by being adapted to local needs and circumstances is called

A. Westernization
C. Ethnocentrism
B. indigenization
D. Modernization

23. Which did not represent the Liberalism Paradigm

A. Trade barriers are needed to the movement of goods and services among countries
B. It is a mainstream perspective in IPE
C. It defends the idea of free market system
D. It advocates free trade which reduces prices, raises the standard of living

24. Which terms does not used to characterize the Japanese system of political economy:

A. collective capitalism & welfare corporatism
B. competitive communism & network capitalism
C. non-mercantilism & strategic capitalism
D. None of the above

25. Which one is not the events for the increased fears about horizontal nuclear proliferation since the end of the cold war:

A. The result the second world war
B. Fears about ‘nuclear terrorism, possibility of state sponsored or non-state terrorist groups obtaining nuclear weapons and holding the world to ransom
C. The nuclear arms race began in South Asia after nuclear tests by India and Pakistan in May 1998
D. Iran illicit nuclear weapons program

26. One of the following is the national political economic system of Japanese

A. State permits the market to function with considerable freedom
B. The state assumed central role in the economy
C. State political economy attempts to balance social concerns and market efficiency
D. The Japan state and the private sector provide a highly developed system of social welfare

27. Which issues is the challenge of international community at moment

A. The search for a ‘New World Order & environmental issues
B. politics dominated by East-West
C. The threat of nuclear war
D. The ideological struggle between liberal democracy and Marxism Leninism

28. Which one is incorrect about the National Economic Systems of American, Japan and German?

A. Japanese corporations commit to the interests of their stakeholders
B. German firms acknowledge their responsibility to society and more accepting of the welfare state
C. Both US & Germans have remarkable industrial policy
D. There has been no sense of business responsibility to society or to individual citizen in U.S
E. Authority over the economy is divided in USA whereas the Japanese Ministry of Finance has essential monopoly power over financial system

29. What makes a certain issue a global issue?

A. the extent or scope of an issue
B. the urgency or intensity of the issue
C. the salience or visibility of a given issue
D. the centrality or location of an issue
E. All of the above

30. Which one shows the differences among National Political Economy

A. The structure of the corporate sector and private business practices
B. The role of the state in the economy
C. The primary purposes of the economic activity of the nation
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

Part III: Give short answer & list out

31. The type of trade, by exchange of a good or service for another good & service is called ____

32. A Type of Transnational/global production in which different parts of the overall production process for a particular product take place across different national territories is known as ____

33. ____ is the amount of money that a member country pays to the International monetary hind (IMF)

34. What are the types of terrorism?

35. Write down the Factors that are Conducive to Terrorism

36. Write the eight major civilizations that are argued by Huntington

37. List down at least six Reasons for the Proliferation of Weapons

38. List out the two main exchange rate systems in the world and explain it

39. Explain briefly the four major contemporary global issues with their examples

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