Emerging Technologies Final Exam – Haramaya University

Part One: Say True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect

1. Types of AI that do not store memories or past experiences for future actions, and only focus on current scenarios is called Reactive Machines

2. IBM’s Deep Blue system is an example of limited memory machines

3. Artificial Intelligence system is composed of an agent and its environment

4. Graphical Processing Unit (CPU) has capability to process tasks in parallel fashion

5. Mixed Reality is fully immersive technology, which tricks your senses into thinking you’re in a different environment or world apart from the real world

6. Machine learning is an application of Al, that provides machines the ability to learn automatically and improve from experience without being explicitly programed

Part Two: Choose the best answer from the given alternatives

1. Which one of the following is a benefit of Augmented Reality to patients and healthcare workers?

A. Reduce the risks associated with minimally invasive surgery
B. Better aftercare
C. Make procedures more tolerable
D. All

2. Intelligence is composed of:

A. Learning
B. Perception
C. Problem solving
D. All

3. ____ is responsible to act as a communication channel to transfer data collected from the real world to other connected devices in IoT architecture?

A. Sensing layer
B. Data processing layer
C. Application layer
D. Network layer

4. Which one is true about the golden years-Early enthusiasm (1956-1974) Era?

A. Models of Artificial Neurons proposed and demonstrated
B. The first artificial intelligence program (Logic Theorist) created and AI coined as an academic field
C. Companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Netflix started using Al
D. The first intelligent humanoid robot was built in Japan which was named WABOT-1

5. ____ is a type of AI that able to perform a dedicated task with intelligence, and currently available and cannot perform beyond its field or limitations

A. General Al
B. Super Al
C. Narrow Al
D. Strong Al

6. ____ is an IoT-platform that manages unlimited number of connected devices, perform real-time device monitoring and set up cross-device interoperability

A. SiteWhere
C. ThingSpeak
D. Zetta

7. Which one of the following is a significant challenge of IoT?

A. Security
B. Complexity 
C. Privacy
D. All

8. ____ uses the existing environment and overlays new information (computer generated content) on top of it?

A. Mixed Reality
B. Virtual Reality
C. Augmented Reality
D. Hybrid Reality
E. A and D

9. ____ is the future of Al, smarter than the human mind, does not exist in reality still and it is a hypothetical concept?

A. Weak Al
B. Theory of mind
C. Self-Awareness
D. Reactive Machines

10. One of the following is application of Artificial intelligence

A. Email service
B. Social networking
C. Online shopping
D. All

11. Which one is NOT the feature of Internet of things?

A. Artificial intelligence
B. Connectivity
C. Active engagement
D. None

12. ____ is a level of intelligence of systems at which machines could surpass human intelligence

A. General artificial intelligence
B. Strong artificial intelligence
C. Narrow artificial intelligence
D. Weak artificial intelligence

Part Three: Fill the blank spaces with the appropriate phrases

1. ____ is branch of computer science by which we can create intelligent machines that can behave like a human, think like humans, and able to make decisions

2. ____ is a type of Al that understands human emotions, beliefs, and be able to interact socially like humans

3. ____ is the networking of smart objects in which smart objects have some constraints such as limited bandwidth, power, and processing accessibility for achieving interoperability among smart objects

4. ____ is responsible for collecting data from the real world, sending data collected to the next unit for further computation in Augmented Reality System

5. ____ is the first computer to beat a world chess champion

6. The field of neural networks with several hidden layers is called ____

7. The most common position sensors used in IoT devices are ____ and ____ sensors

8. ____ is an AI-powered personal assistant that accepts voice commands to create to-do lists, order items online, set reminders, and answer questions via Internet searches

Part Four: (Writing) – Give the appropriate answer for the following questions

1. Discuss goals of artificial intelligence?

2. Discuss the responsibilities of each block/component in the architecture of Augmented Reality (AR) systems? Elaborate your answer with diagrams

3. Briefly discuss how does Internet of Things (IoT) works? Elaborate your answers with figures

4. List and explain influential factors that accelerate the rise of Al?

5. What is the difference between AR and VR?

6. List at least three reasons for using augmented reality in education and explain in detail

7. List and discuss the seven levels (stages) of Artificial Intelligence

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