Global Trends Mid – Debre berhan university

Part I. Write True if the statement is correct or False if it is incorrect

1. International politics is a matter of relation between states and, no other units involved

2. We now live in a world where it is possible to isolate our experiences and transactions from an international arena

3. An anarchical world is a world where everyone looks after themselves and no one looks after the system as a whole

4. The international norms and rules as well as the realization of those normative frameworks are not the subject of the field of International relations

5. International relations are relations that describe a range of interactions between political entities solely

6. International Relations (IRs) traditionally focused on interactions between states

7. Unlike scholars from other perspectives, constructivists highlight the importance of values and shared interests between individuals who interact on the global stage

8. As realism theory, state is assumed to be that the unitary actors in IRs

9. Constructivism theory is stated as a middle ground approach since that its core assumptions are a buffer zone between liberalism and realism theory

Part II: Choose the best Answers from the given alternatives for the following questions and write your answers on the answer sheet

10. All are false expression about international relations except ____   

A. The notion of sovereignty has nothing to do with the horizontal relations of states
B. The practices and norms of international relations are in a dynamic process
C. Unlike conflict/war, cooperation & agreement are the features of international relations
D. The current state of international relations governed by two global super powers

11. Which one of the following is not true about individual level of analysis?

A. The belief and idiosyncrasy of the individual affect a particular international phenomenon
B. Psychological factors do not only matter at the level of individual members of society
C. The role of lobbying groups and the way they influence national decision-making
D. The state is seen as the framework that encapsulates society
E. C and D are true

12. ____ is the absence of authority or government in national or global level

A. Power
B. Democracy
C. Sovereignty
D. None of the above

13. Which one of the following is not true about theory of Liberalism?

A. Liberals View human beings as innately good and believe peace and harmony between nations is not only achievable, but desirable
B. They have faith in the idea that the permanent cessation of war is an attainable goal
C. According to liberals international law enhance states competition than cooperation
D. For liberals, International institutions operates to oversee relations between states and hold bad behaviour to account

14. Which one of the following attributes the idea of Realism theory?

A. They argue that values are context bound, that morality is determined by interest, and that the conditions of the present are determined by historical processes
B. The formative assumptions of realism as a school of thought centre on the view that the international system is anarchic
C. According to Hans Morgenthau the relations of states manifested by struggles for power
D. All of the above

15. Structuralism/Marxism theory believes that:

A. There is no anarchy; there is hierarchy in international system
B. Capitalism is the centre of international conflicts
C. Actors of international relations are classes
D. All of the above

16. One can attributed international relations/ interactions than the others

A. The decision of Addis Ababa City Administration to build International stadium
B. Protest in Kenya to request their government to adopt international labour law
C. An illicit Arms transfer from Cuba to Eritrea and then transited to Yemen
D. A two days visit to the Internal displaced Persons (IDPS) camps in Darfur by former Sudanese Ambassadors to United States (US)

17. What are the factors for the development of the field of international relations?

A. The flourishing of theoretical discourses by international scholars
B. The desire to search for solutions for international problems like chronic war
C. The advancement and dynamism of international actors and global regimes
D. All of the above

18. ____ means the study of IRs which is a holistic approach that analyses the international phenomenon as a whole in which all states operate

A. Group level analysis of IRs
B. Individual level of analysis
C. System level of analysis
D. State level analysis of IRs

19. The followings are associated with Westphalia treaty except ____?

A. Sovereignty of states’ and the birth of Nation States in Europe
B. The formation of Nation States in Latin America after 30 years of war
C. Marks the end of thirty years of war in Europe
D. A peace treaty signed in 1648 between the combatant states

20. From the given alternatives, one is an unrelated correlation of ideas

A. Power and relative influence —- realistic feature & structure of international relations
B. Theory identifies features of IRs ignored by the traditional theories — Critical theory
C. Hegemonic international relations —- unipolar structure of international relations
D. A typical example of Mainstream theory of IRs — Post-Colonialism and feminism

Part III: Match the items listed in Column ‘A’ with those listed under Column ‘B’

Colum A

21. State- centrism theory

22. Non-state actors

23. Middle ground theory

24. Liberalism

25. Prevalence of two global super powers

Colum B

A. No answer

B. Realism

C. Democratic Peace Theory

D. Constructive theory

E. Multi-National Corporations

F. Post-Colonialism theory

Part IV: Fill in the Blank Spaces

26. ____ is the currency of international politics

27. ____ argues that international law offers a mechanism by which cooperation among states is made possible

28. ____ The World system theory divides the inter-regional and transnational into ____, ____  and ____

29. ____ Believes that international institutions, such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund do not serve the interests of working class (the proletariat)

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