Civic Mid Exam – Wachemo University

Part I. Write True if the statement is correct and write False if it is not correct

1. Ethics mainly focus on reason, whereas religion centrally focuses on faith

2. Ethical Altruism argues that each one of us act morally only when it promotes our own Self-interest

3. In teleological ethics, the consequence of an action has nothing to do with morality or immorality of an action

4. Some actions that are unethical may not be illegal

5. Divine Command Theory claims that without God, there would be no universally valid morality

6. Laws can be unethical or immoral

Part II. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives

7. Which one of the following is NOT included under normative ethics?

A. Utilitarianism
B. Ethical egoism
C. Divine command theory
D. Metaphysics

8. Identify the wrong statement about ethical egoism:

A. Pursuing one’s own pleasure is natural right action and good life
B. An action is morally right if the consequence of the act has utility to everyone
C. Each one of us act morally only when it promotes our own self-interest
D. A person acts in his best interest when he does what will bring him the most (best) Pleasure

9. Which one of the following is NOT a metaethical theory?

A. Rights theory
B. Cognitivism
C. Non-cognitivism
D. Makie’s error theory

10. Which one of the following is NOT TRUE about Kant’s argument?

A. He emphasize on correctness of an action regardless of the benefit or harm
B. He focuses on good will
C. He focuses on moral heteronomy
D. He emphasize on autonomous thinking

11. Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding Divine Command Theory of ethics

A. God determines and defines what is right or wrong for human beings
B. A certain action is right to the extent it is done in conformity with the commandments of God; and it is wrong if it is what God forbids
C. It claims the morality of an action by promising some supernatural reward to the faithful
D. It is a Consequentialist normative theory that says we should always do the will of God

12. According to Aristotle under Nichomachean ethics, virtue is:

A. The highest good
B. Moral excellence
C. strength of character
D. All are answer

13. Which theory argued that moral judgments express emotions or sentiments of approval or disapproval?

A. Anti-humaism
B. Humaism
C. Non-Cognitivism
D. Cognitivism

14. Classification of ethics that is concerned with the study of specific, controversial and moral issues is:

A. Meta ethics
B. Virtue ethics
C. Normative ethics
D. Non-normative ethics
E. Applied ethics

15. Is there moral knowledge? This is the concern of:

A. Epistemology
B. Phenomenology
C. Moral psychology
D. Objectivity

16. Which one of the following is incorrect regarding the position of moral realists and anti-realists in ethics

A. Realists argue that moral judgments are objective, whereas anti-realists believe that moral judgments are subjective
B. Anti-realists believe that moral judgments are objective, whereas realists argue that moral judgments are subjective
C. Realists argue that our judgment is nothing but a statement about ‘matters of fact’, whereas anti-realist argue that moral terms do not refer to the world, but they are mind-dependent
D. None of the above

17. Which one of the following is NOT a virtue trait?

A. Generosity & courage
B. Compassion & civility
C. Benevolence
D. Tolerance & thoughtfulness  
E. Egoism & Dependency

18. Which one of the following is FALSE concerning Utilitarianism point of view?

A. Classical Utilitarianists focus on pleasure to judge everything good
B. Bentham focuses on quantity or most pleasure
C. Mill focuses on quality over quantity of pleasure
D. An action is right if it maximizes pain and wrong if it minimizes pleasure
E. All except A

Part III. Match the Items Under Column “A” With Items Under Column “B”

Column A

19. The means justifies the end

20. An action is right if its consequence is favorable to all except the actor

21 The end justifies the means

22. Claim that we ought to be selfish

Column B

A. Ethical altruism

B. Teleological ethics

C. Deontological ethics

D. Ethical egoism

E. Meta ethics

F. Virtue ethics 

Pan IV. Short Answer

23. A theory that holds, an action is morally right as far as it brings greatest pleasure for the greatest number of people and bad if it causes the reverse is referred to _____

24. List down the seven aspects of hedonistic calculus proposed by Jermy Bentham to measure pleasure ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

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