Geography Mid Exam – Bahir Dar University

Part I: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the Statement is Incorrect

1. The occurrence of metallic minerals in Ethiopia is associated with the Mesozoic era

2. The amount of mapped ground area coverage is larger for small scale maps than large scale maps

3. A topical approach studies various geographic elements in greater depth over a specific geographic unit

4. Deposits on the banks of rivers, flood plains both in plateau and foothills are fluvial deposits

5. In perforated shape countries if the two nations are hostile, access to the enclosed nation can be easy

Part II: Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives

6. Which of the following geographical phenomena is not related to Ethiopia’s astronomical location?

A. Relatively high temperatures throughout the year
B. Very little annual range of temperature
C. Its location within the range of GMT + 3 hours’ time zone
D. Its significant role in IGAD Wage

7. Which event is true about the Paleozoic era in Ethiopia?

A. The basement complex rocks appeared as foundation rocks
B. This era marked the denudation and peneplanation process in Ethiopia
C. This era was marked by alternate sinking and rising of the land of the horn of Africa
D. Transgression and regression of the Indian Ocean were observed on the Ethiopian land surface

8. Taking the course Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn will enable you for one of the following except

A. Understand your country’s physical & human resource diversity & abundance
B. Overlook your society’s culture, lifestyle and language & appreciate others
C. Sense about place and time (geographic literacy)
D. Recognize the implications of location, shape and size of Ethiopia

9. Of the following one explains about the importance of maps?

A. Maps are used for measuring distance and area disregarding the scale of the map
B. Maps provide location & direction information without determining north arrow
C. Maps are used for making spatial analysis of geographical facts
D. All explains the importance of maps

10. Which is correctly marched?

A. The lower Area -> Circumference (A/C) ratio -> the greater the degree of compactness
B. The higher Area -> Circumference (A/C) ratio -> the greater the degree of compactness
C. The nearer the B/C ratio to 1 ->  the less compact the country is
D. The higher the Area-Boundary (A/B) ratio ->  the lesser the degree of compactness

11. Identify chronologically correct geological events

A. Pluvial rain -> Regression of the Sea -> Rif valley formation -> Upper Sand Stone formation
B. Basement complex rocks -> Peneplanation -> Pluvial rain -> Rift valley formation
C. Peneplanation -> Sea transgression -> Rift valley formation -> deposition of Aden series lava
D. Adigrat Sand Stone -> Rift valley formation -> deposition of trappean lava -> Peneplanation

12. What was the main factor for the formation of the Ethiopian Rift Valley?

A. Intensive and sustained erosion during the Paleozoic era
B. Lateral movement of the earth’s crust due to tensional forces and collapsed of central landmass
C. Lateral movement of the earth’s crust due to compressional forces and collapsed of central landmass
D. Quaternary’ volcanic eruptions

13. Assume that, summer rainfall in Amhara region didn’t raining timely following its normal seasonality and drought severely affected the region. Zenzelma campus freshman students applied cloud seeding and converted the drought situation to rainy season. Therefore, such aspect of human-environment interaction is

A. Dependency
B. Enslavement
C. Adaptation
D. Modification

14. Of the following statements one appreciates Ethiopia’s large size from the Horn of Africa?

A. Prevalence of diverse agro-ecology important for biophysical & socio-economic development
B. Difficult for effective administration
C. Requires large army to protect its territory
D. Demands greater capital for infrastructure development

15. All are true about uplifting of Arabo-Ethiopian land masses except

A. The uplifting was Orogenesis in character
B. It was pushed up in blocks as one mass
C. Its greatest uplift was in central Ethiopia
D. The uplifting was unparalleled everywhere except the alpine Orogenesis belts of Andes

16. Which of the following statement is correct about Ethiopia?

A. in its Vicinal location Ethiopia is found southwest of the Arabian Peninsula
B. Ethiopia shares boundary with Kenya in the South and it is located North of Kenya
C. Ethiopia is located east and south east of Somalia
D. Ethiopia is the largest of all the African Countries

17. Due to longitudinal extension, Ethiopia has a one hour difference between Akobo and Ogaden. Assume that a flight takes only one hour and an airplane departs from Ogaden at 2:00 am, then what will be the landing time of the airplane at Akobo?

A. 3:00 am
B. 8:00 am
C. 2:00 am
D. 9:00 am

Part III: Give brief and short answer

18. List and describe at least three types of quaternary deposits

19. Explain the central idea of Wegener’s continental drift theory and principal observations

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