Civic Mid Exam – Wachemo University

Part I: Write true if the Statement is correct and false if the statement is incorrect

1. Ethics emphasis on political and legal aspect of the life of an individual whereas civic focus on cultural aspects of individual

2. For Teleological perspective, good will is always good without any qualification and human beings are endowed mental faculty to reason out

3. The fundamental principle of utilitarianism is the principle of egoism

4. For deontologists the results of your actions have nothing at all to do with their rightness or wrongness 

5. Law may be unethical

Part II: Match the appropriate descriptions given under column”A” with the theories of ethics given under column “B”

Column A

6. Great happiness for the greatest number of the people

7. Always does the will of God

8. Believed that nothing was good in itself except a good will

9. Maximize pleasure and minimize pain for self

10. Hold that all human action is necessarily other centered

Column B

A. Divine command theory

B. Egoism

C. Altruism

D. Virtue

E. Utilitarianism

F. Categorical imperatives

Part III: Choose the best answer from the given alternatives

11. The fundamental value of studying and understanding of the ethical theories lies in:

A. Obtaining definitive guides to moral conduct

B. Becoming aware of the moral options available to us for dealing with complex moral decisions on a personal and collective level

C. protecting immoral actions against us

D. providing particular skills of doing business

12. Which one of the following approaches to ethics is different from the others?

A. Deontological ethics

B. Consequentialist ethics  

C. Meta-ethics

D. Virtue ethics

13. Which one of the following is not virtue trait?

A. Dependency and Egoism

B. Courage and Industriousness

C. Generosity and Benevolence

D. Loyalty and civility

14. Why in multicultural Ethiopia, “how to ought to live” can be very complicated? Because

A. Country’s natural resource scarcity

B. shortage of educated man power

C. intolerance of diversity of culture

D. the immigration of youth

15. Assume that ‘A’, ‘B’, & ‘C’ are Wachemo University Durame campus students. One day unlikely  “A”, “B” & “C” decided to give their lunch to support displaced peoples from their home due to war. However, among the three students “B” was not volunteer to support these peoples, because he didn’t want to miss his lunch for a single day. Based on this Story/assumption which one of the following approaches to ethics best explains the action of “A” and “C”?

A. utilitarianism   

B. Altruism          

C. Deontology          

D. Ontology

16. The decision of “B” has been best explained by one of the following approach to ethics?

A. Egoism         

B. Altruism        

C. Deontology         

D. Teleology

Part IV: Short answer

17. Write at least four goals of learning Moral and citizenship education

a) ____

b) ____

c) ____

d) ____

e) ____

f) ____

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