Global Trends Final Exam – Debre Berhan University

Part I. Answer “TRUE” for correct statement and “FALSE” for the incorrect ones

1. One of the remarkable implications of Adwa Victory is Ethiopia’s good international reputation

2. National Interest Is a cornerstone of the foreign policy of a state

3. International relations only concern relations between sovereign state

4. Polarity reflects the number of powerful states competing for power and their hierarchical relationships

4. Constructivists highlight the importance of values and shared interests between individuals who interact on the global stage

5. As money is for economics, power is the currency of international politics

7. Emperor Yohannes IV known to have pursued the policy of patient diplomacy  

8. In international relations anarchy purely means disorder or the absence of peace

9. Critical theories provide a voice for individuals who have frequently been marginalized, particularly women and those from the Global South

10. For liberals, peaceful and harmonious relations between nations are not only achievable, but they are also desirable

11. Mengistu’s Ethiopia had diplomatic relations with capitalist countries

12. Marxism focuses on the structure of dependency and exploitation caused by the international division of labor

Part II. Choose the best answer for the following questions  

13. The ‘Clash of Civilizations’ thesis predicting future conflict scenario among world cultures was offered by an American political scientist who is called

A. Samuel Huntington
B. Francis Fukuyama  
C. Joseph Stiglitz
D. Jeffrey Sachs

14. Which one of the following issues holds incorrect about sovereignty?

A. A state’s dependence on external actors for the execution of its foreign policy
B. A state’s independence or freedom in its domestic affairs
C. A state’s ultimate authority within its territorial limit
D. A state’s involvement in international relations

15. A level of analysis in IR which conceives the global system as a structure within which states cooperate and compete each other over issues of national Interest is termed as

A. State level of analysis
B. System level of analysis
C. Individual level of analysis
D. Group level of analysis

16. Which one of the following states does not possess nuclear weapons?

A. Russia
B. U.S.A
C. North Korea
D. Ethiopia

17. Identify a feature that does not characterize realism as a school of thought

A. Conflict between states is inevitable
B. Multiple states exist with multiple and competing interests
C. Human nature is inherently good
D. Interactions between states are governed by the pursuit of power  

18. International Relations as a discipline deals with all but one of the following miners. Which one is it?

A. International conflict
B. Climate change end global warming
C. International crime
D. None of the above

21. The criteria used in classifying foreign policy objectives include:

A. The value placed on the objective
B. The time element placed on the achievement of the objective
C. The kind of demands the objective imposes on other states in the international system
D. All of the above

22. Which one of the following bodies is not directly engaged in foreign policy and diplomacy activities?

A. Ministry of education
B. Ministry of foreign affairs
C. Ambassadors and envoys
D. Embassies and legations

23. What factors account for international migration and refuge crises?

A. Rapid population growth in the world
B. The revolution in communications and transportation
C. Proliferation of new states
D. All of the above

24. Which one of the following thinkers developed the idea of liberalism in the 18th century?

A. E.H. Carr
B. Hans Morgenthau
C. Kenneth Waltz
D. Immanuel Kant

25. A process whereby global commodities and commercial and marketing practices associated with the fast-food industry have come to dominate economic sectors is termed as:

A. Globalization
B. McDonaldization
C. Americanization
D. Westernization

26. In sharp contrast to the domestic legal system, in the international system power and relations are ____ and ____, respectively

A. Hierarchic and vertical
B. Anarchic and horizontal
C. Vertical and hierarchic
D. Horizontal and anarchic

27. Which one of the following issues signifies the most peaceful instrument of foreign policy?

A. Military pressure
B. Tariff and quota
C. Diplomacy
D. Warfare

28. Identify the one which cannot be a determinant factor in foreign policy decision making

A. State sovereignty  
B. Private interests of leaders
C. History
D. State ideology

Part III. Short Answer

29. Mention at least five of the contemporary global issues

30. List and describe at least three of the reasons that account for the proliferation of nuclear weapons

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