Anthropology Final Exam 2 – Addis Ababa University

Part I: True or False Items

Instruction: Read the questions carefully and if the statement is correct write true otherwise false

1. Cultural relativism entails that cultures can be compared to differentiate the good from the bad

2. Archaeological anthropology studies the symbolic and material products of living people

3. Folkways are norms that should be followed as matter of good conduct a politeness

4. Culture shock refers to a feeling of confusion or anxiety caused by contacts with another culture

5. Cognatic descent occurs when individuals trace their genealogical links through the male line

6. Societal rules that prohibit mating with close relatives are known as “incest taboos”

7. Gender based marginalization is discrimination against a group of people based on their age

8. Minority group refers to a small group of people within a community, region, or country

Part II: Multiple Choice Items

Instructions: Select the best answer from the given alternatives

1. Identify the wrong statement about the significance of indigenous knowledge systems and practices?

A. Complements the shortcomings of western know-how
B. Hinders societal progress to modernity
C. It aids in the provision of solutions to development challenges
D. Helps to conserve the natural environment
E. None

2. _____ refers to cultural traits that are unique to a certain cultural tradition?

A. Cultural particularity
B. Cultural Universality
C. Cultural Generality
D. Cultural alternatives
E. None

3. _____ is a subfield of Anthropology that studies how culture and environment have influenced human evolution and contemporary variations?

A. Socio-cultural Anthropology
B. Linguistic Anthropology
C. Physical Anthropology
D. Archaeological Anthropology
E. All

4. The “Insiders’ view” approach in anthropology refers to _____ ?

A. How people perceive themselves and understand their world
B. Anthropologists’ attempt to look any phenomena from different vantage points
C. Anthropologists’ judgment about the goodness or badness of a particular practice
D. Anthropology’s reliance on qualitative research approach
E. None

5. One is not among the common components of customary justice systems in Ethiopia?

A. Customary laws
B. Customary courts
C. Council of Elders
D. Customary prison systems

6. “Cultures are not haphazard collections of customs and beliefs, its parts, to some degree, are interconnected with one another” This refers to _____ ?

A. The shared characteristics of culture
B. The All-encompassing characteristics of culture
C. The integrated characteristics of culture
D. The symbolic characteristics of culture
E. None

7. Shared rules or guidelines that define how people “ought” to behave under certain circumstances are _____ ?

A. Beliefs
B. Values
C. Norms
D. Customs
E. All

8. Which of the following statements about extended family and nuclear family is correct?

A. In the latter, blood ties are more important than marriage ties
B. The former is an autonomous and independent group
C. Parents in the latter aren’t actively involved in mate selection for their children
D. In the latter, married couples have little control over personal property

9. Viewing alien cultural traits as inferior, lets sensible, or incorrect is often considered as _____ ?

A. Cultural relativism
B. Ethnocentrism
C. Xenocentrism
D. Cultural universalism
E. None

10. _____ is when some cultural elements move from one group to the other without any firsthand contact between them?

A. Forced Diffusion
B. Acculturation
C. Direct Diffusion
D. Indirect Diffusion
E. None

11. One is not among the reasons why exogamous marriage has received approval in many societies?

A. Blood relations are thought to prevail among the members of a group
B. Attraction is believed to get lost due to close relationships in small groups
C. Marriage is believed to be long-lasting if it binds two extremely distant people
D. It helps to establish alliances among groups that help than in times of need
E. None

12. A custom whereby a widower is expected to many the sister or close female relative of his deceased wife is known as _____ ?

A. Sororate marriage
B. Levirate marriage
C. Cross-cousin Marriage
D. Parallel-cousin Marriage
E. None

13. According to the findings of Anthropological researches, one is not among the rationalities for the payment of bride price upon marriage?

A. Insurance for the good treatment of the wife
B. Mechanism to stabilize marriage by reducing the possibility of divorce
C. A symbol of the union between two large groups of kin
D. Compensation to the bride’s lineage for the loss of her economic potential
E. None

14. Identity the wrong statement about instrumentalist theory of Ethnicity

A. Ethnicity can be manipulated to gain specific political/economic ends
B. Ethnicity is created in the dynamics of elite competition
C. Ethnicity is natural and Innate
D. Membership choices depend on some calculated advantages
E. None

15. A practice whereby the married couple lives with or near the husband’s mother’s brother is called _____ ?  

A. Patrilocal Residence
B. Ambilocal Residence
C. Matrilocal Residence
D. Avunculocal Residence
E. None

16. Identify the true statement about marginalization

A. Although the basis could he nature, it is entirely a social phenomenon
B. The nature and level of marginalization vary from society to society
C. Minority groups aren’t different from the majority by any standards
D. Marginalized social groups can be found in every society and culture
E. None

17. _____ deals with the emergence of language and how specific languages have diverged over time?

A. Socio-linguistics
B. Ethno- linguistics
C. Structural/descriptive linguistics
D. Historical Linguistics
E. All

18. All of the following are correct about indigenous knowledge systems except?

A. Learned through experience
B. Lengthy period of acquisition
C. Weak in local use of knowledge
D. Transferred orally and stored in collective memory
E. None

19. A type of kinship that arises out of a socially or legally defined marital relationship is called _____ ?   

A. Consanguineous Kinship
B. Affinal kinship
C. Fictitious kinship
D. A & B

20. One is not among the manifestation of occupational marginalized groups in Ethiopia

A. Negative labeling considering these people as impure and polluting
B. Equal participation in economic activities, including production and exchange
C. Exclusion from intermarriage or sharing of burial places
D. Living on the outskirts of villages
E. None

Part III: Matching Items

Instructions: This part contains of 8 questions and Match items in column ‘A’ with the corresponding alternatives in column ‘B’

Column ‘A’   

1. Paleoanthropology

2. Ethnography

3. Artifacts

4. Acculturation

5. Cultural universals

6. Polygyny

7. Marginalization

8. Dowry

Column ‘B’

A. Culture change due to continuous first hand contact

B. Material remains of past people that can be moved from the site

C. The treatment of a social group as minor or insignificant

D. A comparative study of different cultures across time and space

E. Marriage payment by the family of the bride to the groom

F. Studies human evolution through analysis of fossil remains

G. A comprehensive study of a particular society or culture

H. Cultural traits that span across all cultures

I. The marriage of a man to two or more women at a time  

Part IV: Elucidate the following question with legible hand writing

1. What are the strengths and limitations of customary justice institutions in Ethiopia?

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