Anthropology Mid Exam – Debre Berhan University

Direction I: Write “True” if the statement is correct or “False” if the statement is incorrect

1. Holistic approach assumed that studying culture is enough to have a complete understanding of society

2. The primary objective of ethnology is to uncover general cultural principles, the “rules” that govern human behavior

3. Ethnocentrism leads to peace and consensus

4. Anthropologists assume that sound conclusions about human nature can be drawn from a single society or cultural tradition

5. Language has both biological and cultural aspects

6. Ethnography aims at the comparative understanding and analysis of different ethnic groups across time and space

7. It is crucial to consider both the biological and cultural characteristics, when dealing with humanity

Direction II: Match the concepts listed under column A with the appropriate terms listed under column B

Column A

1. Focuses on human evolution, and modern human variation

2. Studies contemporary societies and cultures throughout the world

3. Studies the ways of lives of past peoples by analyzing physical remains

4. It is the key to explore culture

5. Archaeological physical remains related to the environment

Column B

A. Archaeology

B. Language

C. Physical Anthropology

D. Social Anthropology

E. Museum

F. Eco-facts

Direction III: Fill in the Blank Spaces

1. Physical remains such as ornaments, arrowheads, coins, and fragments of pottery are examples of ____

2. The anthropological perspective that stresses the importance of establishing Interconnections between the different aspects of human existence – the biological, social, historical, and cultural dimensions of human life is called ____

3. ____ perspective that refers to an insider view, which seeks to describe culture or social behavior in terms of the categories, concepts, and perceptions of the people being studied

Direction IV: Choose the best answer from the given alternatives

1. One of the following is not the distinguishing characteristics that differentiate anthropology from other disciplines

A. Its broad scope
B. Its unique approaches
C. Its emphasis on etic perspective
D. Its emphasis on insider’s perspective
E. Its method of research

2. The common misconceptions that are held about Anthropology are:

A. Anthropology is misperceived as the study limited to the rural areas and rural people
B. Anthropology is the study of fossil remains of the proto-humans species only
C. Anthropology is misconceived that its purpose is to study to keep communities far from development
D. All of the above
E. All except C

3. One of the following cannot be contribution of Anthropology

A. Anthropology helps to gain a fuller understanding of other cultures
B. Anthropology fails to offer pragmatic applications
C. Anthropology serves us a corrective tool to deterministic thinking
D. Anthropology provides us insights into the nature of the world’s diversity
E. Anthropology helps us light against prejudice, discriminations and ethnocentrism

4. Anthropology overlaps or has some similarities with the following disciplines except ____

A. Sociology
B. Biology
C. Philosophy
D. Economics
E. None of the above

5. Anthropology tries to study and explain a certain belief, practice or institution or a group of people in its own context. It does not hold the position that a given belief or practice is “good” or “bad”. This concept is most appropriate to:

A. The holistic approach of Anthropology
B. The comparative approach of Anthropology
C. The relativistic approach of Anthropology
D. The misconceptions of Anthropology
E. None of the above

6. What makes human languages exceptional in comparison to other animals including primates?

A. It is based on symbolic thinking
B. It hands down cultural traits from generation to generation
C. It is developed through enculturation
D. It is unique and crucial to human
E. All of the above

7. Ethnography:

A. Is often descriptive
B. Requires field work to collect
C. Is a comprehensive account of evidence concerning a particular society
D. Is the comparative study of contemporary cultures and societies
E. All except D

8. Which one of the following is not example of eco-facts?

A. Animal bones
B. Coins
C. Soil
D. plant remains that were not made or altered by humans
E. All of the above

9. The reason why primatologists study primates is?

A. To understand differences among contemporary cultures
B. To understand the causes of the contemporary human racial variations
C. To understand languages variations
D. To gain clues about human evolution as a species
E. To explain material culture of contemporary societies

Assume four teams of researchers plan to study about the past and the contemporary languages of certain country. Accordingly, the first team, (team A), takes the mandate to research. And examine the relationship between language and cultures while the second team, (team B), is assigned to study on the emergence of languages in general and how languages have diverged over time. Team B is also responsible to classify and differentiate the historical links between or among languages. Whereas, the third team, (team C), is assigned to investigate linguistic variations within a given single contemporary language and the fourth team, (team D), to study structure of linguistic patterns. Answer the following four questions depending on the above described hypothetical teams of researchers.

10. The first team of researchers, (team A), most probably are:

A. Descriptive linguists
B. Socio-linguists
C. Ethno-linguists
D. Historical linguists
E. Structural linguists

11. The second team of researchers, (team B), most probably are:

A. Historical linguists
B. Ethno-linguists
C. Socio-linguists
D. Descriptive linguists
E. Cultural linguists

12. The third team of researchers, (team C), most probably are:

A. Descriptive linguists
B. Ethno-linguists
C. Historical linguists
D. Socio-linguists
E. Cultural linguists

13. The fourth team of researchers, (team D), most probably are:

A. Ethno-linguists
B. Descriptive linguists
C. Socio-linguists
D. Historical linguists
E. None of the above

Direction V: Answer the following question

1. Briefly discuss pre-historic Archaeology and historical Archaeology

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