Global Trends Mid Exam – University of Gondar

Part I: write “true” if the statement is correct and write “false” if it is incorrect

1. The treaty of Westphalia was a truing point in the evolution of International Relations

2. Marxism theory argues that there is the hegemony of the south or Developed world over the North or the undeveloped world

3. Liberals argue that international institutions cannot limit anarchy

4. In the international politics, a central government has monopoly on the legitimate use of force

5. In the contemporary period, global interaction related to global finance, production, and labor migration conducting via state actors

6. It is possible to think about international politics without power

7. For constructivists our undemanding of the world is influenced by our values and shared interests

8. Participation in International Relations is inescapable  

9. Realists hold the position that the state, in its relation with another state, is definitely subject to the calculations of morality

10. Strength in military power is a necessary pre-condition for deterrence and effective diplomatic action

Part II: Multiple Choices

11. Identify the wrong statement regarding the concept of International Relations?

A. It is the study of relations among nations
B. It refers to the totality of interaction crossing the state boundary
C. It is the study of all forms of interactions between the international community in the framework of anarchy
D. It is an academic field of study that deals with multi-dimensional interaction among state and non-state actors
E. None of the above  

12. Anarchy can be defined as

A. Absence of authority that exercises over states
B. Absence of central government
C. Supreme authority of the state over international matters
D. Absence of entities that possesses the monopoly on the coercive use of force
E. A and B
F. All except C

13. One of the following is wrong about Realism assumptions?

A. International System is largely a self-help system
B. Nations should the capacity to defined themselves
C. International relations are determined by power politics
D. Interdependence are crucial to solve the problems in IR
E. C and D
F. None of the above

14. Which one of the following is correct about the difference between Realism and Liberalism Theories?

A. For the former human nature is good while for the latter human nature is bad
B. For the former conflict is inevitable whereas for the latter conflict can be avoidable
C. For realism politics is all about cooperation while for liberal politics is all about domination
D. A and B
E. None of the above

15. Sovereignty refers to

A. State’s supreme authority within its territorial entity
B. Autonomy in foreign relations
C. Independence in domestic affairs
D. State’s involvement in the international community
E. B and C
F. All of the above

16. Which one of the following is the basic assumption of constructivism theory?

A. It tends to focus on the influence of ideas
B. Individual cannot shape the nature of international relations
C. It gives more emphasis to material factors like power and cooperation
D. Anarchy is what states make of it
E. A and D

17. Power can be defined as

A. the currency for international politics  
B. the ability to influence the behavior of others
C. an instrument to realize foreign Policy objectives
D. all of the above

18. “Leaders need to be alert and cope effectively with internal as well as external threats to their rule and act like a lion and a fox in protecting their national security”, This assumption best fits with:

A. Realism
B. Idealism
C. Marxism
D. Liberal Institutionalism  

Part III: Explanation

1. Mention and explain the three major structures of the international system with their features?

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