Civic Final Exam – AASTU

Part I: write ‘True’ if the statement is correct or ‘False’ otherwise

1. All unitary states are undemocratic by their nature

2. According to EDRE constitution Article 52(1 ) residual power is left to the regional governments

3. The long range objectives of foreign policy are those to which states commit their very existence and that must be presented or extended at all time

4. In the case of adoption, the child’s social and kinship position is transformed from the biological parenthood to sociological parenthood

5. A child born to non-nationals in a state which follows the Jus soli principle could not have a birth right to citizenship

6. The “cold war” period was characterized by bi-polar international system

7. Exclusive powers are exercised jointly by federal and regional units in federal states

8. In forms of government like Britain, a Minister can never be a member of its law making body

9. National interest is the main driving force that determines the contents of foreign policy

10. In unitary state structure, law making power is shared between the central government and administrative units

11. Government is the agency of state which exercises sovereignty on behalf of the state

12. Transparency is a principle which holds the idea that all actions of the government and its officials have to be clearly known to the public.

Part II: Choose the Best answer from the given alternatives

1. Which of the following is not the advantage of federal state structure?

A. Its ability to manage diversity
B. Recognizes local interests and differences
C. Aggravate secession
D. Promotes competition among jurisdictions

2. “Human rights are inseparable from their natural beholders”. This statement implies which of the following peculiar features of human rights:

A. Naturalism
B. Universalism
C. Inalienability
D. Inviolability

3. Which of the following is not the major characteristic of unitary state structure

A. There is indivisible of power
B. There is always bicameral legislature
C. There is no self-rule and shared rule
D. The regional or local units are highly subordinated to the central government

4. Which of the following is not categorized under First Generation Rights?

A. Freedom from torture, cruel and inhuman treatment
B. Freedom from arbitrary arrest
C. The right to protection of one’s scientific production
D. The right to asylum

5. Identify incorrect statement about the parliamentary form of government

A. Prime Minister is vested with chief executive power
B. There is no room for dual membership to the legislative and executive
C. The Head of Government comes from the law making body and directly responsible to it
D. Head of State is held by the president

6. In France, the constitution centralizes power to national government. Local governments administer their jurisdiction, but lack constitutionally guaranteed power. The president is directly elected by the people, but exercise dual leadership with Prime Minister under the principle of ‘cohabitation’. What structure of state and system of government exist in France, respectively?

A. Federal and hybrid
B. Unitary and parliamentary
C. Unitary and presidential
D. Unitary and hybrid

7. Popular referendum can be taken as an example of

A. Representative democracy
B. Direct democracy
C. Indirect democracy
D. Non-democratic rule

8. The way of losing citizenship due to staying outside a state for a long and continuous period is referred to as

A. Deprivation
B. Renunciation
C. Lapse
D. Restoration

9. Identify correct statement about presidential system of government

A. President appoints his/her Cabinets
B. There exists a fusion of power
C. Members of the legislature exercise veto power
D. The President can suspend members of the legislature from their position

10. Which of the following entities is the oldest and universally acknowledged actor of international relations?

A. International Non-governmental organization
B. Sovereign State
C. Intergovernmental Organization
D. Multinational Corporation

11. Assume that Jacqueline was born from an Israelites mother and American father in Ethiopia. She acquired an Israelites citizenship by birth. The principle under which Jacqueline attained her citizenship is:

A. Jus soli
B. Jus sanguinis paterni
C. Jus sanguinis materni
D. Naturalization

12. _____ refers to a set of goal that seeks to achieve how a particular state interacts with outside world

A. International relations
B. Foreign policy
C. National interest
D. Domestic policy

13. By taking its form/appearance as one criteria of classifying constitutions, it is possible to categorize constitutions as:

A. Rigid and Flexible
B. Codified and Uncodified
C. Effective and Facade
D. Federal and Unitary

14. Which one of the following is true regarding the theoretical underpinnings of state formation?

A. According to Social contract theory state is created as a result of consensus
B. According to Force theory the state arose as a matter of necessity when society was divided into hostile social classes
C. Marxist theory argues that state is the consequence of the forcible subjugation of successive primitive groups by other groups
D. Evolutionary theory asserts that state is created by supernatural force

15. In Botswana, the national government can devolve its power to provincial administrative units and all administrative units are semi-autonomous. There is also real multi-party system and periodic, free and fair elections. The president is elected by the parliament which can also veto him/her out of office. Which of the following combinations thus best explain the state and government of Botswana, respectively?

A. Federal, Authoritarian and Presidential
B. Unitary, Authoritarian and Presidential
C. Federal, Democratic and Parliamentarian
D. Federal, Authoritarian and Parliamentarian

16. All of the following factors are the historical incidents for the emergence of modem International Relations except;

A. The rise of the sovereign state
B. Reformation
C. The collapse Roman empire
D. The end of “cold war”

17. In multi-polar international system:

A. There is a state with the greatest political, economic, cultural and military power
B. It is possible to bring change without gaining or losing power
C. It is vulnerable for zero-sum game politics
D. There are two dominant states having their own sphere of influence

18. One of the following is not the external factors of foreign policy determinants?

A. Global arrangement
B. Geo-politics
C. Economic and military capabilities of states
D. strategic importance of state

19. Which of the following statement is not correct regarding short-term objectives of foreign policy?

A. They are called core values, because states seek to safeguard these objectives at all costs
B. They are long-term plans, ambitions, and visions concerning the ultimate political or ideological organization of the international system
C. Most frequently, they are related to the self-preservation of political and economic systems, the people and its culture, and the territorial integrity of a state
D. They are rhetoric objectives

20. In which of the following structures of international system there is no balance of power?

A. Unipolar system
B. Bi-polar system
C. Multipolar system
D. Anarchism

21. Which of the following statement is incorrect about diplomacy?

A. It is the primary instrument of foreign policy
B. It is the promotion of national interest by peaceful means
C. It can promote exchanges that enhance trade and culture
D. Diplomatic failure does not affect the healthy interaction between states

22. Which of the following generation of human rights mostly require the collective action and intervention of international community for its fulfilment?

A. First generation of human rights
B. Second generation of human rights
C. Third generation of human rights
D. Negative rights

23. Article 19 of proclamation no. 378/2003 of the Ethiopian nationality law declares that one can loss its Ethiopian nationality if he/she has acquired or has been guaranteed the acquisition of the nationality of another state. This way of losing citizenship is called:

A. Reintegration
B. Deprivation
C. Lapse
D. Renunciation

Part III: Fill in the blank space

1. _____ refers to the contractual relations established between citizens and their state

2. _____ is a principle that puts the constitution at the highest level in the hierarchy of laws

3. _____ is a type of democracy that discourages the intervention of a government in economic affairs of a society

4. _____ refers to a peaceful way of settling differences over priorities by providing mutually acceptable proposals

5. _____ refers to a mechanism through which members of legislature, on reasonable grounds, recall the chief executive from power before his/her terms of office in parliamentary system

Part IV: Give short answer for the following Questions

1. List at least four major purpose and functions of democratic constitutions

2. Define the concept of constitutionalism. Discuss the relations it has with constitution

3. List and briefly explain the rules for effective diplomacy

4. List at least four conditions a foreign national shall fulfill to acquire Ethiopian nationality through naturalization 5. Briefly explain instruments of foreign policy

2 thoughts on “Civic Final Exam – AASTU”

  1. Hello Dear teacher, it is a great pleasure to write to with love and respect. Could you please write the answers of civic exam. And I need your kindly help!

    Sincerely yours
    C T T

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