Civic Mid Exam – Wolaita Sodo University

Part I: Write “True” if the statement is correct and “False” if it is incorrect

1. Ethics as a discipline is concerned with analyzing, evaluating and developing of reasonable standards for dealing with moral issues

2. Normative ethics is concerned with factual investigation of moral behavior of people that does not involve value judgment

3. Theological theory of ethics emphasizes on the intended results of actions as the criterion of their rightness

4. lant advocated the idea that the outcome of an action could determine the rightness or wrongness of the action

5. The divine command theory asserts that “we should always do the will of God.”

6. Deontologist believe that the purpose of morality is to make life better by increasing the amount of good and decreasing the amount of bad consequences in the world

Part II: Select the best answer front the given alternatives

1. According to Samuel Pufendorf, absolute duties include the hollowing except

A. Not offending others
B. Keeping promises  
C. Treating people irrespective of who they are
D. Encouraging the good of others

2. which one of the following is correct about Moral and Civic Education?

A. It helps to resolve social conflicts in society
B. It teaches harmonious interaction and peaceful coexistence of citizens
C. It deals with the rights and duties of citizens
D. All of the above
E. None

3. Which of the following is not true about the goals of Moral and Civic Education

A. It helps citizen, make informed judgements about the nature of civic life. politic, and government
B. It enables citizens to participate actively in civic affairs in an informed, thoughtful and effective manner
C. It makes students a passive citizen
D. A11 of the above

4. Among the following, in which political culture citizens have low cognitive, affective, and evaluative orientation to the political system and even their privileges and duties

A. Parochial culture
B. Subjective culture
C. Participant culture
D. None of the above

5. According to Ethical egoist

A. A person is always justified in doing whatever that is favorable for others
B. A person is always justified in doing whatever is in his or her own interests, regardless of the of the effect on others
C. A person is always justified in doing whatever by sacrificing ones goals and prioritizing the public good
D. All of the above

6. Which of the following normative theory considers a certain action as right if and only if its consequences are optimal, i.e., it produces the best balance of goodness over badness for everyone involved?

A. Utilitarianism
B. Hedonism
C. Egoism
D. Deontology
E. All of the above

7. Which of the following is correct about the categorical imperative of Kant?

A. Kant believed the good will is an end by itself without considering what it results
B. The intention of Kant is so as to make actions universal to achieve morality
C. Kant is highly suspected in reducing moral action to individuals internal filling
D. All of the above

8. _____ is a branch of ethics that investigates the origin anti meaning of ethical terms used in moral discourse.

A Descriptive Ethics
B. Deontological Ethics
C. Meta Ethics
D. Applied Ethics
E. Non-normative Ethics

9. The ethical theory that tries to prescribe moral actions based on their consequences is

A. Deontology
B. teleology
C. virtue ethics
D. divine command theory

10. Which one of the following statements best defines civics?

A. It is the study of rights and duties of citizens
B. It is concerned with the basic moral guidelines and standards to determine human existence
C. It refers to the beliefs and practices about good and evil regarding to people’s behavior
D. It deals with moral values and principles of society
E. All except D

11. _____ is concerned with the right and wrong of human action, whereas _____ provides the basic principles for justifying and determining the rightness or wrongness of the human actions

A. Ethics, morality
B. Civics, morality
C. Morality, ethics
D. Philosophy, ethics

12. Which one of the following key question is asked by deontological ethical systems?

A. What will be the consequences this action?
B. What is my moral duty?
C. What sort of parson do I want to he?
D. flow should I live?

13. As quality to Mill _____ is to Bentham in terms of pleasure

A. Rule utilitarianism
B. Quality
C. Act utilitarianism
D. Hedonism
D. All of the above

14. A freshman student X, who is from Addis Ababa has many friend from different ethnic, religious and other backgrounds. He believes in peaceful co-existence and for him diversity is natural and beautiful. He tries all his best to appreciate, recognize and respect the diversity. Which one of the following disposition best explains him?

A. Civic mindedness
B. Tolerance
C. Loyalty
D. Civility
E. None of the above

Part III: Match questions under column “A” with their corresponding best answer under column “B”

Column A

1. It focuses on the production and pursuit of one’s own pleasure as the criterion for the right action

2. An ethical theory that views the presence of pleasure and the absence of pain as the only things that are good in and of themselves

3. The theory that an action is right if and only if the person performing the act could consistently wills that the act become a universal law

4. The theory that an action is right if an only if it has the best consequences for others except the person who is doing it

5. It is as a mean b/n two extremes of excess and defect in regard to a feeling or action of person

Column B

A. Egoistic Hedonism

B. Hedonism

C. Categorical imperative

D. Utilitarianism

E. Virtue ethics

F. Ethical egoism G. Ethical altruism

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